Monday, May 9, 2011

Be kind. Rewind.

Ever wish you could rewind a day and start over?  Saturday was like that for me.  I wish I had acted more like a grown up, and less like a third grader.  I wish I had remembered the words I say so often to my kids: "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." I wish I had taken my own advice: "You don't have to say everything you think."  Fail.  And to make matters worse, Saturday was the day before Mother's Day!  You know, that special day when your husband and children celebrate how fabulous you are? Ugh. Can we talk for just a second? Am I the only one who retraces her mom-steps from the previous year and mentally beats herself up as she opens Mother's Day cards filled with glowing praise? I'm thinking "Geez, I hope they can get a refund on these presents, because I sure don't deserve them...."  Nah, it's probably just me.

I've learned that when I feel like that, there's only one thing to do, one place to go for a fresh start...a "rewind". On Saturday night, as I talked to my Heavenly Father about what a mess I am and how much I need Him, a familiar sense of peace washed over me, and the truth of 1 John 1:9 filled my heart.  His unchanging words brought cleansing: I admitted my faults and asked for forgiveness, He freely forgave me.  Again.  Amazing.

Mother's Day has come and gone, and it was a wonderful day.  My quick-to-forgive husband overlooked my Saturday meltdown and made a fuss over me with meals and presents from morning til night.  My grown and almost-grown kids spent most of the day with me.  And I'm reflecting on 1 John 1:9 in the light of my weekend experience.  Even though I've made many mistakes as a wife and mom,  God's love is always bigger than my failures.  He never runs out of mercy Like the gifts my family gave me yesterday, my Heavenly Father gives His gift of forgiveness through Christ, even though I will never deserve it.  Now that is kind. The ultimate Rewind.

Today's verse:  But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.  1 John 1:9  NLT

Prayer for Today: Father, thank You for your limitless love and forgiveness.  Help me to forgive the mistakes and sins of others the way You have forgiven me.  Help me to lean on You more this year for the love, strength and wisdom I need to be the wife and Mom You want me to be.  In Jesus Name, Amen.