Tuesday, February 16, 2010


3 Children are a gift from the Lord;
they are a reward from him.
4 Children born to a young man
are like arrows in a warrior’s hands.
5 How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them! ....
-Psalm 127:3-5 NLT

I have a couple of blogger-friends who call their children "arrows". Isn't that precious? As parents, we endeavor to train our children to love God and serve Him, to be responsible, compassionate human beings. We teach and direct them, and when they're grown, we "launch" them, like arrows from a bow. We pray they reach their targets....people everywhere who need the love and mercy of Jesus. This is my firstborn "arrow" who just returned from Haiti last week. He was forever marked and changed by these precious orphans who had so very little, and now have less, yet still love with boundless gratitude. Just as the psalmist says, I'm truly joyful for my quiver full of arrows.

Prayer for today: Father, thank You for my children. Help me to always remember that they are arrows launched into a world that desperately needs You. Help us to be faithful in teaching them Your word and Your ways. Amen.