Friday, October 31, 2008


Just a reminder to set your clocks BACK one hour on Saturday night.  I love this time of year!  An extra hour of sleep!  For those of you who forget, and end up at the cinema an hour early for church, we could really use some extra hands in the Lobby......

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


18 “So commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. 19Teach them to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.  Deuteronomy 11:18-19 NLT

I have always believed that parents are a child's most important and influential teachers.  Thank God for brilliant and inspiring educators who encourage and shape our children.  But the teacher who will have the greatest impact on your child is you.  God planned it this way. Basically, we are to share His word and all He has done with our kids.  When do we share?  When we're at home, on the road, going to bed, and getting up.  That's pretty much all the time! We don't need to be in a sterile classroom to teach our kids.  Our surroundings are filled with learning opportunities!

I love God's word, and have shared it with my kids since they were very small.  One of my favorite things to teach them is that creation itself declares God's glory and creative power.  Romans 1:20 says:  For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. (NLT) 

  I often seek out things in nature to show my kids the creative power of God. Our Heavenly Father has created a seemingly infinite number of species, and I'm pretty sure most of them live right here in South Alabama!  I don't really like spiders, but there's one called the Orange Garden Spider that provides a great object lesson. One of these creatures spun a web right outside my dining room window.  Its web is very distinctive, with a zig zag pattern in the middle of it.  If the web is torn down by a human or a predator, the garden spider can rebuild the whole thing in about 4 hours.  The kids and I watched him for several days, and talked about how God showed us His power and creativity in this special creature.  Then there was the time the baby armadillo crawled out from under a storage shed.  He was small, funny, pink and rubbery, and programmed by his Creator to develop armadillo armor as he grew.  A couple of months ago, everyone got real excited when a tree frog somehow made its way upstairs to the bathroom and landed on the potty seat.  Great photo op!  Stickbugs and fireflies, glassy lakes and star-peppered skies all give us the opportunity to share the nature and character of God with the next generation.  What can you teach today?

Prayer for Today:  Father, thank You for the opportunity to teach my children about You.  Please open my eyes to everyday lessons I can teach them, so they may know You in all Your glory.   In Jesus Name, Amen.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


14-16"Here's another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We're going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don't think I'm going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I'm putting you on a light stand. Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.   
                                     Matthew 5:14-16     The Message

As a young girl in the 1970's, I wasn't very athletic.  Except for snow skiing and backpacking, most of my leisure activites centered around being creative.  I loved to sing, read, write poetry and music, and I always enjoyed creating "art" with our Lite Brite.  Using this simple grid of small holes, brightly colored plastic pegs, and printed templates, I spent many happy afternoons creating sailboats, clowns, and crocodiles. There was something so satisfying about spending time creating an intricate design, peg by colorful peg.  But the real beauty of my picture was revealed when I plugged it in, and the light bulb inside illuminated my artwork for everyone to see!  

This morning in my quite time, I came across this scripture passage from The Message translation of the Bible.  While I don't use The Message for verse by verse study of God's word, I often find it captures the theme and application of a scripture.  Maybe you know this verse better from the King James Version: "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.  (Matthew 5:16) Maybe you even sang about it in Sunday school:  "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine!" The Message reads "You are here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world."  And that's what got me thinking about my Lite Brite, and about letting my light shine.

So what does that mean, letting our light shine? The answer is tucked inside Matthew 5:16: "Let your light so shine before men,  that they may SEE your good works....."  Those around us see Jesus in the "light" of our good works.  Our obedience, the fruit of His Spirit, they all point people to Christ, and bring glory to God!  My Lite Brite wasn't much to look at without the light bulb.  The colors were dull and the design barely visible.  The light inside was the key to its beauty. And without His light, we're not much to see either! Without the Light, the world sees a dull, lifeless picture of our Savior.  So let's light it up today.  Bring light to someone who's hurting.  Bring light to a dark place.  This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine!

Prayer for Today:  Father,  You said our light was meant to be put on a light stand, on a hilltop for all to see.  Help me to carry Your light into my world so that others may see You clearly, and give glory to You.  In Jesus' name,  Amen.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


8 My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long. Psalm 71:8 NIV

Tonight, my husband upbraided me for being a slacker about Blogging this past week, and I totally deserved it. "But I have nothing to say!", I protested. This has been an exceptionally rough week, and frankly, it's not that I didn't have anything to say, it's that I haven't had anything good to say!

I don't know about you, but I'm a ducks-in-a-row kind of girl. I like all 64 crayons in my box, thank you very much, and while you're at it, let's just tie up all those loose ends, shall we? It's just the way I'm wired. I like light bulbs that work, full tanks of gas, and especially bills that are paid. So my whole ducks-in-a-row thing doesn't really jive with the whole planting-a-church thing. The very term "church planting" implies that a seed will need to be planted, and it will need tending, nurturing and time before it becomes a full grown church.

Why does it continually surprise me, then, that patience is required for this process? Today, I read the Blog post of Hal Mayer, one of my husband's church planting coaches, and he wrote about trailblazers, pioneers, and settlers in terms of church planting. I decided I am a settler (the ones who like to move in, settle down, and line up their ducks), doing the job of a pioneer (the ones who are willing to risk leaving civilization in pursuit of something new). Over the years, I have often told Gene that I would have made a lousy pioneer. You know, no running water, no electricity, no Holiday Inns.....So, I find it ironic, and totally irritating to discover that I actually am a pioneer! Uggh!

This is not easy stuff, girls. I like to know I have everything I need before I need it! I don't want to pray and fast and ask the Lord for office supplies, ok? I just want to open the cabinet, and see paper clips and rubber bands. I don't want to have to continually stay before Him, making my requests for Starbucks and Krispy Kremes for the lobby known to Him. I just want some coffee and donuts, alright? I know, I know, if I could make it happen on my own, if I never faced any resistance, my faith wouldn't have an opportunity to grow, right? On a day like today, that would've been just fine with me.....

As I write this, I am reminded that God has supernaturally provided everything we have needed so far. Every gifted staff member, our sound and lights and projection, our buildings, favor with absolutely everyone, and most of all....the people. We've only been doing this since February of this year, and God has changed the eternal destination of over 80 people. Selah.....So maybe I could trust Him to take care of a few bills, and a few donuts, and maybe I could ask Him on my knees to forgive my unbelief and let me do this for another day.

Prayer for today: Merciful Lord, please forgive my lack of trust in times of testing. You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Forever good, forever faithful. Thank you that Your hand has provided all I could possibly need, and I am grateful. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


No, I will not abandon you as orphans—I will come to you. John 14:18 NLT

“A Michigan mother drove roughly 12 hours to Omaha, so she could abandon her 13-year-old son at a hospital under the state's unique safe-haven law, Nebraska officials said Monday. There was no sign the boy was in immediate danger before he was abandoned early Monday……” -excerpted from an article by Jean Ortiz and Josh Funk, AP writers

This happened yesterday morning! I was speechless when I read this article. A 13 year old boy’s mother-his mother!- drove 12 hours with her son in the car, so she could abandon him at a Nebraska hospital! I’m the mother of a 13 year old boy, so this article hit me hard. Though this law was written to keep desperate mothers from abandoning their newborns in bus stations and dumpsters, it has turned into something lawmakers never intended. In cases where abuse and neglect cannot be proven, there are no consequences for the parent who simply walks away from their child. Appalling! I love my son John more than I can even say, and can’t understand any mother doing such a desperate thing. The article says the boy was in no immediate danger, but I beg to differ. I think he is in grave emotional and spiritual danger. What must’ve been going through his head as he realized Mom was dropping him off….for good? And by the person who’s supposed to love him more than anyone else! He must be wondering “What’s wrong with me?” “Does anyone care about me?” “Do I matter?”

As I thought about this poor boy being abandoned, I was reminded of the verse above, in John chapter 14. God has said to us that He will NEVER abandon us! Though we disappoint and disobey Him, His mercy is new every morning. Though our sin separated us from Him, He sent Jesus to build a bridge back to Himself. The Bible says when we receive Christ, we’re are adopted as sons (and daughters!) into His forever family, NEVER to be abandoned or cast away.

We’re surrounded by people who’ve been broken, rejected or abandoned by those who should have loved them. Our paths cross every day. How will they know this kind and loving Father who will never, ever abandon them? How will they know unless we tell them? I wish I could tell this young boy that God cares. That he does matter, and that God has a plan for his life. Every Sunday and Wednesday at Crossroads, we have the honor of leading someone to Christ for the first time, or seeing them renew their commitment to serve Him. The message that God will never abandon us is life changing. Whose life will you change today?

Prayer for today: Heavenly Father, Thank You that You will never abandon me. Open my eyes to those around me who need to hear that You’re a God who loves, heals, forgives, and never, ever abandons. Grant that I may be bold to share your love with those who desperately need it. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


2 Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. 1 John 3:2 NKJV

Often, God teaches me spiritual principles through everyday events. Maybe because He thinks I wouldn't get it otherwise....? I took Samuel to the orthodontist today to have his braces removed. He wore them for almost two years, and the fruit of his efforts is a straight, beautiful smile. Caitlin had an appointment today, too. She wore braces for almost three years, and her retainer for a year. She has a gorgeous smile to show for it. Here's what I saw today as I looked at my teenagers' teeth: the transformation of their smiles was complete before we could see it.

Do you ever watch those extreme-makeover reality shows? No, I'm sure you don't.....Well, if you did, you would see the show's creators put the participants through the paces of transformation-tummy tuck, microdermabrasion, tanning, veneers for the teeth, and a fashion overhaul. Then, ta-dah!! The reveal! The family and friends get to see the changed person. This past weekend, the title of Sunday's message at Crossroads was "Reveal", a message about baptism. The main point was that in baptism, we reveal to the world our identification with Christ. We reveal to those around us something that has already happened on the inside.

Here's what I want you to get today. When we received Christ, the Bible teaches in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that you and I became brand new creations. Old things passed away, and all things became new! But we look exactly the same on the outside. The radical change is completely invisible at first. We know we're different, yet our life looks pretty much the same in many respects. But like braces on my children's teeth, like the plastic surgeon on the makeover show, God is at work inside of us, conforming us to the image of Christ, equipping us for eternity. Transformation is underway, seen in small ways as we follow Him, but not to be completely revealed until a day of His choosing, known only to Him, when Christ is revealed. It's the Ultimate Reveal! Aren't you thankful He's not done with us yet? I'm not what I will be, but thank God I'm not what I was!

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, thank You that You are not finished with me yet. Thank You for molding me and shaping me, making me fit for Your work here on Earth, and for Your eternal Kingdom. Help me to walk in Your ways, that I may lead others to the transforming power of Jesus Christ. In His precious Name, Amen.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


27 The fear of the LORD prolongs days,
But the years of the wicked will be shortened. Proverbs 10:27 NKJV

You know how some verses in the Bible just become part of your everyday, living, breathing, walking around life? Proverbs 10:27 is just such a verse for me. It's a verse I cling to when I have more tasks than hours, more day than strength. It's like a mantra, repeated often, encouraging me to press on. I know everybody is busy, but church planters seem to enjoy a special brand of harried schedule. My husband is the lead pastor of a new church, and we have five children, though only three (all teenagers) live at home. So our life is filled with Color Guard practice, youth band rehearsals, football games, dances, sleepovers and countless other teenage activities. Throw in pastoring a growing movie theatre church, managing an office, counseling, study, prayer, writing, and running a household, and you have a schedule that would test anyone's mettle!

This verse speaks of the Lord prolonging our days when we fear Him. In the original language, "days" literally refers to "years of life", but those years happen one day at a time. So as we fear Him, reverence Him, and make His priorities our own, He prolongs our days. I have never seen this fail. If I will take the firstfruits of my day, offer them to Him by using that time to pray and read His word, He makes even my crazy, crowded schedule work! Ok, it's true, I'm really cheerful in the morning (which took my night person husband years to get used to). But even if morning is not your thing, you can teach yourself to rise a little early to meet with the Creator of the Universe. It's so worth it! I heard once that prioritizing your day is like packing a suitcase. You put the big important things in first, then fill the small spaces with small things. God gives us wisdom, too, in choosing how we invest our time. For those of you who have not yet added the word "no" to your vocabulary, go ahead! It feels good! Sometimes, we have to say No to some good things so we can say Yes to some God things.

If you don't already have a quiet time, give it a try this week. See if God won't multiply your moments as you give Him the firstfruits of your days.

Prayer for Today: Father, You are the giver of all of my days. I give you today, make of it what You will. Thank you for multiplying my hours, days and years for Your glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen

Monday, October 6, 2008


34"My food," said Jesus, "is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. John 4:34 NIV

Being a Pastor’s wife and church planter, I talk to lots of people about church. “I love my church!” some tell me. I also hear “I’m just not being fed at my church”. Jesus had a thing or two to say about food and church, we’ll see in a minute. After nineteen years of serving in ministry, I’ve discovered that whether or not we’re “fulfilled” in our church experience, is almost entirely up to us. Yes, it matters what kind of church we choose. But let's also take some big-girl responsibility for our spiritual lives. Let’s allow this verse from John’s gospel to shed some light on the matter.

In this passage of scripture in John 4, after long days of preaching, teaching and healing, Jesus’ disciples were encouraging Him to eat. “C’mon, Rabbi, just a little sandwich?” they might’ve asked. Jesus totally confused them by saying “I have food to eat you don’t know about.” I'm sure they were asking each other "who brought Him lunch?" when He told them “My food is to do the will of Him who sent me, and to finish His Work.” His food, His nourishment, His fuel was doing the will of God. It’s our food, too.

I can say with certainty that the times in my life I’ve been weakest and most unhappy,are the times I’ve been focused on me, not others. I’ve known many people over the years who never DO anything in church but attend. Usually they are the most unhappy people in the church. They skip those opportunities to serve others. They are quick to point out problems, but don't offer to help. They hop from church to church in search of a more “satisfying” experience. What’s the problem here? No food. Spiritual malnutrition.

If we find ourselves complaining about church to our friends, or feeling like an outsider, it might be good to check up on the “food” supply. Ask yourself: Am I serving in my church? Do I support my church with my time and treasure? Am I focused on the needs of others? If you answered ‘no’ to these questions, you might be hungry for the kind of food Jesus is talking about in John 4:34. Doing God’s will. It’s the real breakfast of champions. Way better than Wheaties. Way better than anything!

Prayer for Today: Father, please help me to see where I’ve been selfish with my time, talent and treasure. Help me to see that I will be fed and nourished as I DO your will! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness." Matt. 25:21 NIV

Since I became a mom, I’ve done lots of things I never thought I would do. I’ve worn many unexpected hats. I’m not naturally a risk-taker, and I’m definitely not a person who likes to try new things. But in spite of my reluctance and fear, God has made much of the small amount of talent and willingness I’ve offered to Him.

When Max started K-4, we were both rookies. He was my first and only child, and this was Max’s first school. It was an exciting time, but we were both a little unsure of ourselves. His classroom was a charming place, brimming with all the fun of childhood and learning. Everywhere I turned, there were apples and numbers and letters! His teacher was precious, and her classroom of four-year old charges instantly adored her. I watched the other mothers chatting easily with the teacher, offering to help with this or that. I wondered how they knew what to do? Was there some training for Capable Teacher’s Helper I had missed? Did these moms have a gene I didn’t get? I went home that first day feeling very inadequate.

As time passed, both Max and I began to feel a little more comfortable. And eventually, the teacher asked for my help. My help!! She asked if I would please bring snacks for the class. I was so excited to be included in the ranks of the Teacher’s Helpers! I brought juice boxes and cookies the next day, and it felt so good to help. From that moment on, the school year was filled with opportunities to help, not because I was qualified, but because I was willing and available.

That was a long time ago. Now Max is a twenty one year old photojournalist, and no longer an only child. We had two more sons and a daughter within four years of that first day of school! I was a faithful cookie baker, so God gave me more things to do. Since then, I’ve baked literally thousands of cookies. I’ve organized countless holiday parties, chaperoned many class field trips and organized several festivals and fundraisers. I’ve been a room mother at least a dozen times. I’ve been a PTO vice president, committee chair, and Bible club teacher. And you know what? I wasn’t qualified to do ANY of those jobs, except maybe the cookie-baking one, since I did have that experience back in K-4.

Thankfully, it wasn’t about my qualifications or experience, but about my willingness and availability. That eliminates any possibility of being proud of ourselves, doesn’t it? How much credit can we take for saying yes and showing up? The great thing I discovered is that it works the same way in life and ministry as it does in K-4. If we’re willing and available, there is no end to the things God will allow us to do! Today, I’m a pastor’s wife. A pastor’s wife!! It’s a job for which I feel totally unqualified. But that didn’t stop the Lord from hiring me. Why? Because I said yes, and showed up.

Prayer for today: Father, thank you for the talents you have given me. I offer them to you, and make myself available to do whatever you ask me to do. Take my small offering and make it much, for Your glory. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.